Apollo Academic Surveys was founded in 2022. Our mission is to aggregate the views of academic experts, making them freely available to everyone.
This work is inspired by the popular University of Chicago IGM survey of economists. The IGM surveys demonstrate the value of using the internet to aggregate and publicize expert knowledge in memorable, impactful ways, thereby identifying areas of scientific consensus and areas where scientific opinion might vary widely within or between fields of study.
Apollo Academic Surveys is a nonprofit organization, originally funded philanthropically by the FTX Future Fund.
If you are interested in designing and organizing surveys for your field, please reach out to us via email or our Twitter account. We may be able to offer financial support, both to organizers and to academic societies they represent.
If you are interested in commissioning a survey, please reach out to us via email. Other press inquiries should go to pr@apollosurveys.org

Chris Said
Data scientist based in New York. Chris holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Princeton University.

Alexander Todorov
Leon Carroll Marshall Professor of Behavioral Science and a Richard Rosett Faculty Fellow at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Michael Bishop
Superforecaster and data scientist alum of The Good Judgment Project and Replication Markets.

Mina Cikara
Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University.

Anil Kashyap
Stevens Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Co-creator of the IGM Economic Experts Panel.
All advisors and board members are unpaid volunteers.